When is the last time you stopped and asked, "What has my candidate of choice done to earn my vote today?"
What is he or she saying, promoting, doing that convinces you that it is a good idea to hire him/her to the office of President of the United States or to Congress or to state or local government positions?
I did not ask, "How is he/she better than the other candidate(s)?" The question I am posing is, "What is it about your candidate that resonates with you?"
Without even thinking of or mentioning anyone else that is running for the same office, what is it about who you plan to vote for that makes you say, "I'm on board with this person"?
Does your candidate stand on his or her own merit? Or do you give pause and have to begin to justify your voting decision?
Lots of question marks in this short entry, but I think these are important questions to ask. The honor of the offices we elect individuals to demands it.
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