Year after year, we're wearied by the lack of change produced by our elected representatives. Too may of them have been in office for too long. Politics is their career. It should not be.
Term limits are not a new concept. After all, Presidents may serve only 8 years total. Why shouldn't it be this way for congressmen, congresswomen, and senators?
Americans are increasingly frustrated, even angry, that — regardless of which political party is in control — nothing really changes in Washington, DC. The spending continues unchecked. The wars continue. Government keeps taking away more freedom... That’s why Gary Johnson is a strong advocate of term limits. Run for office, spend a few years doing the job at hand, and then return to private life. That’s what Gary Johnson did as Governor, and that’s what Senators and Representatives should do.
The major parties aren't going to give this to us (wonder why??). Governor Johnson, however, would pursue this policy. One that I believe would be a benefit to our nation.
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